Monday 9 February 2015

HSBC Got Caught Dodging Taxes! Caught Red-Handed!

The Swiss subsidiary of HSBC held the hands of clients on a journey to dodge millions in taxes.

HSBC confirmed that their Subsidiary helped customers conceal millions in worth of assets and evade taxes.

Statements made by HSBC - 

“We acknowledge and are accountable for past compliance and control failures.” 

Major regulatory reform is under way in numerous jurisdictions to ensure … that in the near future, an individual wishing to 'hide' assets from tax authorities will be unable to do so. HSBC fully welcomes and supports these reforms.” 

A man, an expert with a computer worked for HSBC's Geneba office in 2007 and 2010. He grabbed files and disclosed them to the US international revenue service. These documents were shared on Sunday consisting of 100,000 clients who stored money in the Swiss subsidiary. The documents holding data of banks with over $120+ billion in

On Monday, a member from the Senate banking committee insisted for the actions the US government took following the release of these files.

Statement made by Senator Sherrod Brown -

I will be very interested to hear the government's full explanation of its actions – or lack thereof – upon learning of these allegations in 2010.

- HSBC has a history of violating the sanction laws of the US for laundering money for Mexican drug cartels - dealt with in 2012.

Furthermore, directors derived from the Swiss Subsidiary are able to be arrested if they continue to refuse cooperation with the Belgian investigation regarding the tax evasion of clients. 

- 3,000, Belgians have deposited $5.5 billion with Swiss HSBC.

Statement made by a prosecutor -  

The bank is not giving the required information voluntarily. The judge has said that if it's so hard to get the information, he's considering international arrest warrants for the present directors in Belgium as well as in Switzerland.

* Refusing to cooperate, files to portray tax evasion, history of money laundering. This will puncture the banks stock regardless, even further or even less depending on how people react.

HSBC, World's second largest bank, HQ in London, 6,200 offices in 74 countries, Serves 52 million people.