Sunday 15 February 2015

Ukraine Crashes Whilst The President Enjoys Selling Candy

Statistics gained from a report by the National Commission states that the corporation 'Kiev Confectionery Factory'  'Roshen' has almost had a nine-fold increase in net profit during 2014 when compared to 2013.

- Deriving information from Ukraine's National commission on securities and stock market, Roshen had tasty net profit of $1.35 million in 2014; a figure 8.9 times larger then the net profit in 2013.

- Long-term liabilities decreased by 9.8% to $2 million where as present Liabilities of the company deduced to 22.6% which is $8.2 million.

- Roshen, exists as a subsidiary to the Roshen confectionery Corporation, which is owned by the president, Petro Poroshenko.

- This company, 'The Roshen Confectionery Corporation' has an annual volume production rate of
450,000 tons. This company is the largest manufacturer of candy within Ukraine and is considered rank 16 in the worlds list of largest confectionery companies (2012).
- The company has assets like the 'Lipetsk Confectionery Factory Roshen' which is in Russia, which surprisingly operates gracefully even though both countries relationships are not the best.

According to the Prime Minister Yatsenyuk, Ukraine can expect an inflation of 26% in 2015.

Statement By Arseniy Yatsenyuk (Ukraine Prime Minister) :

"The inflation is objectively related to exchange rate and the administrative price growth. We assess the inflation for the current year to be at 26 percent."

- What can be obtained from this statement is that the exchange rate and administrative growth are the reason for inflation, which may be the case as rates remain at 25 Hryvnias Per Dollar and the annual inflation rate is at 24.9% since January.

- Ukraine tried fixing the degrading economy by seeking loans from creditors - which has only landed them in a pool owing billions to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and international creditors.

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